Aplus Technology Inc. is an instructional design, software, and information technology company. Aplus Technology Inc. creates courses for education, workforce development, and health care certification. The mission of Aplus Technology Inc. is to provide high-quality education and educational training to adults that will bridge the gap in diversity and inclusion of minorities in increasing skills to maintain high standards in the medical careers workforce by uplift our local community and building our economic wealth.


Aplus Technology Inc

Aplus Technology is a leader in creating distance education courses, educational training certification and e-commerce websites. Aplus Technology staff use the ADDIE Model to complete instructional design projects. First, we will conduct a needs assessment, identify the problem, and perform a task analysis.

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New Course Offering for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses!!!!!

​Unlocking Comprehensive Health By Using Tools For Interprofessional Collaboration


Title: Unlocking Comprehensive Health by Using Tools for Interprofessional Collaboration

Description: This course defines interprofessional education by describing the role of the APRN and the benefits of interprofessional collaboration, such as patient-centered care improvement, & optimized healthcare delivery with other healthcare professionals.

Title: Advanced Pathophysiology

Description: In-depth understanding of the physiological processes underlying various diseases and disorders, including the latest research findings and diagnostic tools.

Title: Evidence-Based Practice

Description: Courses that focus on integrating the latest evidence-based research into clinical decision-making and practice, emphasizing the importance of research utilization and critical appraisal.

Title: Advanced Health Assessment

Description: Comprehensive courses that cover advanced physical assessment techniques, diagnostic reasoning, and the interpretation of diagnostic tests and results.

Title: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy

Description: Discussions on the latest healthcare policies, legislative changes, and advocacy strategies that impact advanced nursing practice and patient care delivery.

Title: Population Health Management

Description: Training on the assessment, planning, and implementation of healthcare interventions to improve the health outcomes of specific populations, including strategies for addressing health disparities and promoting health equity.

Title: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Description: Courses that provide tools and methodologies for implementing quality improvement initiatives, enhancing patient safety, and reducing medical errors in clinical settings.

Tile: Advanced Pharmacology

Description: Updates on new medications, drug interactions, and adverse effects, as well as the latest guidelines for prescribing controlled substances.

Title: Advanced Nursing Ethics

Description: Discussions on complex ethical dilemmas in healthcare, including end-of-life care, resource allocation, and patient autonomy, with a focus on ethical decision-making frameworks and moral reasoning.

Title: Advanced Nursing Leadership and Management

Description: Topics focused on leadership skills, interprofessional collaboration, team management, and organizational change management, preparing APRNs for leadership roles in healthcare settings.

Title: Healthcare Informatics

Description: Training on the use of health information technology, electronic health records, and data analytics to improve patient care, enhance healthcare delivery, and support clinical decision-making..

Community Engagement

· Diversity and Inclusion Workshop:
. Minority Recruitment Fair (Nurse Expo): ·
· Cultural Competency Training:

· Scholarship Application Deadline

. Simulation Boot Camp
· Minority Student Panel
· Simulation Skills Competition

· Nursing Career Expo

· Simulation Curriculum Review

· Mentorship Kick-off

· Simulation Technology Training
· New Student Orientation

· Simulation Skill Assessment
· Cultural Awareness Month Activities:

· National Minority Health Month

. Advanced Simulation Techniques Workshop
· Student Appreciation Day

. Simulation Debriefing Conference
· Year in Review and Planning Session
